[ILLUSION] Breast Slider 2

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Nope, steht noch nich richtig auf jap., denn sonst würde die Meldung aus jap. Schriftzeichen bestehen und nich aus dem Kuddlmuddl.


Ahhh, habs gefunden im letzten Abschnitt war nochetwas!

Problem 2> Ohne Japanischkenntnisse sehe ich nciht durch :( * !!!


Hier das FAQ von azombie aus dem Hongfire Forum.

FAQ's, Guides and File Directory.
"Everything you wanted to know about Oppai 2,
but were afaid to ask in the torrent thread."™

I'm going to assume in the information that I provide that you've made it
past the installation and running of the game and are now past the Girl
customization part.
I'm going to try and explain the gameplay of the engine.

There are two camera modes:
Rotate around girl;
First person.
You can select them from the red/blue icons on the far top right of the
screen or by pressing A or S. The Red one is for H-scenes, the Blue one
is for looking around the room for more items.

While your are interacting with the girl you can still move the camera
around by holding CTRL
(thanks crapmail2)

Story Mode:
First thing you need to know is the Function keys.

F1 - Options
Exit the game, make the "partner" invisible, etc.

F2 - Walkthrough
This shows every possible outcome with the girl, refer
to this for ideas of what to do next.

F3 - Map
A lot of the time you need to use an Item to progress, the
map shows you all of the items in the room (that that time,
more items show up later)

F4 - H-tutorial
Just shows where you can interact with the girls.

Next is how to progress in the game.
Unlike previous Illusion games, just rubbing the girl a lot might not
get you where you want to go.

To progress check the Walkthrough (F2) and the Map (F3).
If there is an item on the map then try using that first, if not then
look at the Walkthrough to see what options you have.
It's different for each personality of the girls though.

Next is the H-system.

CLICK and SCROLL mode:
Hover the mouse over the part of the girl you'd like to play with.
This opens a string of options on the Left side of the screen.
These options are in two rows (although not always both are visible.)
The left row is the playing one.

When hovering over the part you want, scroll your mousewheel down through
the options. Then CLICK to begin.

From here you can either Click and DRAG the mouse around
You can scroll the mousewheel up and down. Each will do something different.

Then Right-click or select the X icon to exit out of this mode.

(now going to be referred to as CLICK and SCROLL,
this is used for pretty much everything in the game)

Advanced play:
The Right row of options in the H-system is for advanced play.

The "mushroom" icons indicate Sexual positions which play the same way as
regular play (DRAG or SCROLL)

The mouse(?) icons indicate items to use. Which are ususally DRAG and SCROLL as well.

Uh... "Finishing" :o
The color of the character with the girl shows their excited state,
while doing a position that they're involved in they'll begin to turn RED.
The brighter red they are, the closer they are.

After a while there will be some dialog, after it's done you have to
click on a selectable part of the girl.
Then two options pop-up to confirm you want to do it there.

Can either be done by just playing with the girl, using a location or
item, or clicking on the Face icon that appears around the Top-Right
of the screen. Careful, sometimes this leads to an ending.

The funny thing is.. the Icon on the Bottom right of the screen actually
tells you what you have to do to progress......... too bad I don't read Japanese. :(

Refer to the map, then move the camera around and look for that item.
Click on it to get a description the select the Checkbox to pick up that item.

To use an item you have to find the right part of the body it can be used
on. Then select the mouse(?) icon in the Right row of H-actions.

Some items can't be picked up but rather are locations for the girl to go.
Hoffe das hilft. ;)


Sucht mal auf Hongfire. Da findet ihr nen No Region Patch sowie uncensor/noDVD/wasweißichalles patch ^^


Bei mir kommt immer der Fehler obwohl ich den Regionspatch benutze

OS_2.exe - Komponente nicht gefunden

Die Anwendung konnte nicht gestartet werden, weil d3dx9_24.dll nicht gefunden wurde. Neuinstallation der Anwendung könnte das Problem beheben


Die Meldung kam bei mir auch, ne Installation mit Applocale half auch nix. Der Fehler war erst verschwunden als ich das System auf jap. umgestellt, neu gestartet und es dann installiert habe. Lief dann auch nachdem ich das System wieder umgestellt hatte.


c'tulhu, a sukebe
Original von kackfaust
Bei mir kommt immer der Fehler obwohl ich den Regionspatch benutze

OS_2.exe - Komponente nicht gefunden

Die Anwendung konnte nicht gestartet werden, weil d3dx9_24.dll nicht gefunden wurde. Neuinstallation der Anwendung könnte das Problem beheben
diese .dll ist teil von DirectX oder der D3D Treiber - probier mal eine googlesuche nach dieser dll...
vieles geht bei mir wenn ich fehlende dlls einfach so "nachreiche"…


Oppai 2 Uncensored Patch

Ich habe mir die zensierte Ver. von Oppai 2 runtergeladen (via Azureus) und bin jetzt hinter dem Patch, von dem hier schon einige Male gepostet wurde, hinterher. Unter den angegebenen Seite habe ich keinen Account (ich hatte die Anfrage für einen neuen Account, welche aber wegen zu hoher Benutzeranzahl abgelehnt wurde, gestellt). Es würde mir wirklich sehr helfen, wenn mir einer von Euch den Torrent irgendwo hochladen könnte oder mir zumindest einen Link gäbe, mit dem es mir möglich ist, den Torrent oder sogar den Patch direkt zu ziehen. Vielen Dank!

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