Hab gerade Chapter 367 gelesen wie bereits erwartet sehr interessant 
Ich freu mich schon auf die nächsten Chapter vll wird ja bald verraten ob Naruto's Mutter noch lebt....
Ich hab gerade was interessantes auf Mangashare gefunden was haltet hier davon?
Seine Signatur^^:

Ich freu mich schon auf die nächsten Chapter vll wird ja bald verraten ob Naruto's Mutter noch lebt....
Ich hab gerade was interessantes auf Mangashare gefunden was haltet hier davon?

Seine Signatur^^:
Und dann hier noch nen Text von dem Kerl...Original von Jink(Mangashare)
Hello, I'm Uzumaki Kushina. Better known as Naruto's mother and the female Akatsuki member.
Original von Jink(Mangashare)
Ok everyone. Anyone else believe the Blue haired Akatsuki member is Naruto's mother? I sure as hell do. Doesn't anyone find it odd that her name wasn't revealed yet while the supposed leader Pein's name has been revealed? Why would Kishimoto do something like that? It's because when her name is revealed it will be Uzumaki Kushina and everyone will be like "Omfg she's Naruto's mom!!!". It's Kishimoto's way of making a surprise. Now we all believe that she has a blueish hair color(because of the color spread) and in the recent chapter Jiraiya said that she has red hair. Well my argument for this is that red and blue are very similar colors and can be easily mistaken for one another. Also, why the hell would Jiraiya even mention her hair color in the first place? Doesn't anyone see that as odd? Everyone also assumes that her hair color is blue or purple or whatever. But we can't be sure of that at all.
That may or may not be hair. We can't be sure of it, for all we know is that it could just be a hood or something. In the manga her hair is colored Black, which would have to signify a darker color then the one that's supposedly in that color spread. Pein's hair color in that spread is much darker then Female Akatsuki members hair, and his hair color is white in the manga.
Another thing whatever happened to Kushina? She can't possibly be dead. Why would Kishimoto introduce Naruto's mother and just another time announce that she's been dead for years. If she is alive then where the hell is she now? I've seen a few thoughts flying around that Pein is Minato's brother, or something along those lines. At first I didn't support it at all, but then I started thinking about it, and it's possible is Kushina is in fact Naruto's mother. After Minato died Kushina could have fallen in love with Pein or whatever and joined up with him to form Akatsuki. One of the reasons that she could have to do this is to get rid of all the Biju. It was a Biju, Kyuubi, who killed Yondaime, so in her distraught state she exacted revenge against all of them.
These are just thoughts, and I believe that they in fact can be true. I stand by them and believe fully in these statements. What do you think?
*Note: Most of this has been discussed between Whitebeard and me. Two people who share a very like mind and believe in this to it's fullest extent.