the "right" language


In my opinion the best language for international use is Spanish
  • simple and regular pronunciation
  • complex grammar, but not too complicated
Why not English?
  • irregular pronunciation
  • primitive grammar
If you speak with incorrect grammar the people - in most cases - will understand you, but if you pronounce badly...
Simple grammar is not an advantage, cause you have less possibilities how to express your thoughts.
And why I prefer Spanish to French, Italian or German, which - I guess - also fulfill the criteria above? Because of the number of native speakers and because I know it (no, it's not my native language).

Other language I would like to hear and see from international communication is Latin, but this is unreal, not only because it contains declination of nouns, which is unknown to most of the european languages.

And if you want a challange then learn Czech, my native language, pretty hard one.

But all this discussion is pointless, the position of English is quite safe nowadays.



English of course, it's origin is in west germany, so there are lot of similarities, I think it's not difficult to learn english as a middle european, even the french people are getting better in english.


I prefer English.
I also like a bit of Spanish, but after learning English and translating Spanish stuff, it seems like either side can be seen as having bad grammar.
I also prefer English. I don't know why... maybe because it's not my motherlanguage.
Not that I dislike my motherlanguage, German is also great, but it's something else.
I think it would be the other way round if I were born in an English speaking county.


I am most fluent in English but I think it would be very sexy to be able to talk in Japanese. German words are too hard to pronounce for an outsider like me.


Well I speak German, English, Chinese, Japanese and Italian. I actually use English the most in my life, but I love speaking in Italian because it just rolls of the tongue and attracts a few more ladies.


Kokutou no Kyou-Ou
Perhaps the correct language exists not...
Anyone is good in anything language,and that must be so...
I think,all of languages are the right languages...


That's a tough question to answer. I like American English the most (and British the least :P). Japanese is also high on my list, especially because of the kanji - I just can't get enough of the built-in connection between the meaning and the writing in this language, the two of which are much more closely connected when comparing Japanese to any alphabetic language. Next, it's my native language Polish, mostly due to the nostalgy and the fact that it's usually so troublesome for foreigners (from the West or the Far East, putting fellow Slavs aside) to master it.. - at times it has a positive effect on my ego, lol ;p Afterwards, it's Russian, a language I started to learn recently and which seems quite interesting. Then there's German (if it weren't for the der die das, all of which I tend to mix up, it'd be probably higher in my mini language ranking ^^" since the pronounciation is cool and the grammar is quite logical), followed by languages which I don't know yet, unfortunately: Chinese (hope to learn at least the basics one day, Mandarin as well as Cantonese :D) and French (this is the language that irritates me the most, to be honest, but I'll be forced to learn it one day I guess, as I'm planning to move to Montreal in +- 10 years..). Oh, and somewhere in between I'd insert Latin, because I really like the Middle Ages ;) But first, it's dead, and second, even though I took a semester course in Latin, I have absolutely no intention of continuing it as I see close to zero possibility of using it in ones life :P


My fav is english because i can communitcate with other people with it... and its quite more simple than german (german grammar sucks bad ._.' )


If you are looking for a "right" language, I suggest peeking at Esperanto or Ido for example. They are both artificially created in order to make a totally logical language without any exceptions and quirks that you would find in natural languages.

Or you could just use Latin ;)


My favourite language is English, it's an easy language, many people are able to unerstand it and it simply sounds better than German :P
I also like Spanish but I don't really unterstand much more than cervesa :P


I love French and Finnish, although my Finnish is slowly, but surely deteriorating.
I also adore Russian - most slavic languages in fact - for its superior expressiveness. However, I chose Finnish over Russian in college at the time. Oh well.

I like most other languages out there, I find them fascinating in their variety and often unique beauty. Even so I would rather not endeavour to learn most of them, because without a deep-rooted interest in the culture behind a language, there's no lasting motivation.

On the other hand I have a very strong, somewhat irrational dislike for Portuguese and Polnish. Portuguese manages to sound even whinier than Spanish, yet without retaining the beautiful sides of Spanish. And don't get me started on Polnish.


i dont have a favourite language, but there are some that i think that sound just wrong, mostly the east-asian ones