Ich bin Brasilianer und würde gerne wissen, wie die Synchronisation auf Deutsch ist, insbesondere Animes aus den 70ern, 80ern und 90ern. Derzeit denke ich, dass es gute Voiceover in mehreren Sprachen gibt, aber die seltensten sind diese alten.
Taking advantage of the post, I am Brazilian and I would like to know how are the dubbing in German, specifically animes from the 70s, 80s and 90s. Currently I think there are good voiceovers in several languages, but the rarest ones are these old ones.
Taking advantage of the post, I am Brazilian and I would like to know how are the dubbing in German, specifically animes from the 70s, 80s and 90s. Currently I think there are good voiceovers in several languages, but the rarest ones are these old ones.